9+ Pakaian Adat Maluku : Nama, Gambar, Filosofi dan Penjelasan


Indonesia is known for its cultural diversity, and one of the regions that stands out is Maluku. Maluku, also known as the Moluccas, is a province located in the eastern part of Indonesia. It consists of hundreds of islands, each with its own unique culture and traditions.

One of the fascinating aspects of Maluku's culture is its traditional clothing, known as "Pakaian Adat Maluku." These traditional costumes reflect the rich heritage and history of the Maluku people. In this article, we will explore 9+ Pakaian Adat Maluku, including their names, pictures, philosophies, and explanations.

1. Pakaian Adat Cakalele

Pakaian Adat CakaleleSource: None

The first traditional costume we will explore is Pakaian Adat Cakalele. Cakalele is a traditional war dance from the Ternate and Tidore islands in North Maluku. The costume worn during this dance is ornate and symbolizes bravery and courage.

The Pakaian Adat Cakalele consists of a headpiece called "Kepala Cakalele," which is adorned with feathers and represents a warrior's headdress. The dancers also wear a colorful sarong called "Kain Cakalele" and a traditional belt called "Sabuk Cakalele."

This traditional costume is often accompanied by traditional weapons, such as a sword or a spear, to complete the warrior look. The Pakaian Adat Cakalele is not only worn during the dance but also during special events and ceremonies as a symbol of the region's cultural identity.

2. Pakaian Adat Sasi

Pakaian Adat SasiSource: None

Pakaian Adat Sasi is a traditional costume associated with the Sasi ritual, a traditional conservation practice in Maluku. The Sasi ritual aims to preserve and sustain natural resources by setting specific rules and restrictions.

The Pakaian Adat Sasi consists of a woven headpiece called "Kepala Sasi" and a sarong called "Kain Sasi." The headpiece is intricately woven and often decorated with shells and beads. The sarong is made from traditional hand-woven fabrics and features vibrant colors and patterns.

This traditional costume is worn during the Sasi ritual, which involves prayers, offerings, and the declaration of restrictions on fishing, hunting, or harvesting certain resources. The Pakaian Adat Sasi symbolizes the importance of environmental conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources in Maluku.

3. Pakaian Adat Suku Manusela

Pakaian Adat Suku ManuselaSource: None

The Manusela tribe is one of the indigenous tribes in Maluku, and their traditional costume holds great cultural significance. The Pakaian Adat Suku Manusela represents the tribe's identity, history, and connection to nature.

The Pakaian Adat Suku Manusela consists of a headpiece made from bird feathers, a shirt made from bark cloth, a sarong made from woven fabric, and various accessories made from shells and beads. The headpiece is particularly striking and represents the tribe's strong spiritual beliefs.

This traditional costume is worn during important ceremonies, such as weddings, harvest festivals, and cultural events. The Pakaian Adat Suku Manusela serves as a visual representation of the tribe's cultural heritage and is a source of pride for the community.

4. Pakaian Adat Tifa

Pakaian Adat TifaSource: None

Tifa is a traditional musical instrument commonly found in Maluku. The Pakaian Adat Tifa is a traditional costume associated with the Tifa musical performance, which is often performed during celebrations and ceremonies.

The Pakaian Adat Tifa consists of a headpiece made from woven leaves and natural fibers, a colorful sarong, and various accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets. The headpiece is the highlight of this costume and is carefully crafted to resemble the shape of the Tifa drum.

During the Tifa performance, the dancers wear the Pakaian Adat Tifa while playing the Tifa drums and other traditional instruments. The costume adds visual appeal and enhances the overall atmosphere of the performance, creating a captivating experience for the audience.

5. Pakaian Adat Maluku Tengah

Pakaian Adat Maluku TengahSource: None

Maluku Tengah, or Central Maluku, is a regency in Maluku with its own unique traditional costume. The Pakaian Adat Maluku Tengah represents the cultural identity of the region and is worn during traditional ceremonies and events.

The Pakaian Adat Maluku Tengah consists of a headpiece made from woven leaves and flowers, a sarong made from hand-woven fabric, and various accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets. The colors and patterns of the costume reflect the natural beauty of the region.

This traditional costume is often accompanied by traditional music and dance performances, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere. The Pakaian Adat Maluku Tengah serves as a symbol of cultural pride and is an important part of the region's cultural heritage.

6. Pakaian Adat Tari Cakalele

Pakaian Adat Tari CakaleleSource: None

Tari Cakalele, or Cakalele dance, is a traditional dance from North Maluku. The Pakaian Adat Tari Cakalele is the traditional costume worn during this dance and is an integral part of the dance's performance.

The Pakaian Adat Tari Cakalele consists of a headpiece adorned with feathers, a colorful sarong, a traditional belt, and various accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets. The costume is designed to enhance the movements and expressions of the dancers.

Tari Cakalele is a dynamic dance that portrays the spirit of warriors and reflects the region's history and cultural traditions. The Pakaian Adat Tari Cakalele adds visual appeal and authenticity to the performance, making it a captivating experience for the audience.

7. Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong

Pakaian Adat Tari GambyongSource: None

Tari Gambyong, or Gambyong dance, is a traditional dance from Ambon, the capital city of Maluku. The Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong is the traditional costume worn during this dance and represents the elegance and gracefulness of the dancers.

The Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong consists of a headpiece adorned with flowers, a colorful kebaya (traditional blouse), a sarong, and various accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets. The costume is designed to accentuate the movements and gestures of the dancers.

Tari Gambyong is a slow and graceful dance that tells stories of love, courtship, and beauty. The Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong adds visual charm and cultural authenticity to the performance, making it a popular and well-loved dance in Maluku.

8. Pakaian Adat Maluku Utara

Pakaian Adat Maluku UtaraSource: None

Maluku Utara, or North Maluku, is a province in Maluku with its own distinct traditional costume. The Pakaian Adat Maluku Utara represents the cultural heritage and diversity of the region and is worn during traditional ceremonies and events.

The Pakaian Adat Maluku Utara consists of a headpiece made from woven leaves and flowers, a sarong made from hand-woven fabric, and various accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets. The colors and patterns of the costume reflect the natural beauty of the region.

This traditional costume is often accompanied by traditional music and dance performances, showcasing the region's cultural richness. The Pakaian Adat Maluku Utara serves as a symbol of cultural pride and identity, preserving the traditions and customs of North Maluku.

9. Pakaian Adat Tari Lenso

Pakaian Adat Tari LensoSource: None

Tari Lenso, or Lenso dance, is a traditional dance from Seram Island in Maluku. The Pakaian Adat Tari Lenso is the traditional costume worn during this dance and is an essential element of the dance's performance.

The Pakaian Adat Tari Lenso consists of a headpiece adorned with flowers and feathers, a colorful sarong, a traditional belt, and various accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets. The costume is designed to enhance the movements and expressions of the dancers.

Tari Lenso is a lively and energetic dance that tells stories of joy, celebration, and unity. The Pakaian Adat Tari Lenso adds visual appeal and cultural authenticity to the performance, making it a popular and well-known dance in Maluku.

10. Pakaian Adat Suku Nusalaut

Pakaian Adat Suku NusalautSource: None

The Nusalaut tribe is one of the indigenous tribes in Maluku, and their traditional costume holds significant cultural value. The Pakaian Adat Suku Nusalaut represents the tribe's identity, history, and connection to their ancestral land.

The Pakaian Adat Suku Nusalaut consists of a headpiece made from bird feathers, a shirt made from bark cloth, a sarong made from woven fabric, and various accessories made from shells and beads. The headpiece is particularly intricate and symbolizes the tribe's spiritual beliefs.

This traditional costume is worn during important ceremonies, such as weddings, harvest festivals, and cultural events. The Pakaian Adat Suku Nusalaut serves as a visual representation of the tribe's cultural heritage and is a source of pride for the community.


The Pakaian Adat Maluku represents the rich cultural heritage of the Maluku people. Each traditional costume carries its own unique symbolism, reflecting the region's history, beliefs, and traditions.

From the ornate Pakaian Adat Cakalele to the elegant Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong, these traditional costumes play a vital role in preserving and celebrating Maluku's cultural identity. They are worn during special events, ceremonies, and performances, showcasing the region's vibrant and diverse culture.

Through the Pakaian Adat Maluku, the Maluku people express their pride in their heritage and their commitment to preserving their traditions for future generations. These traditional costumes serve as a visual reminder of the region's unique cultural identity and the importance of cultural preservation.


1. Apa itu Pakaian Adat Maluku?

Pakaian Adat Maluku adalah pakaian tradisional yang melambangkan warisan budaya dan sejarah masyarakat Maluku. Setiap pakaian adat memiliki filosofi dan makna tersendiri.

2. Apa tujuan dari Pakaian Adat Maluku?

Tujuan dari Pakaian Adat Maluku adalah untuk mempertahankan dan merayakan identitas budaya masyarakat Maluku. Pakaian adat ini digunakan dalam acara-acara adat, upacara, dan pertunjukan budaya.

3. Apa saja jenis-jenis Pakaian Adat Maluku?

Beberapa jenis Pakaian Adat Maluku yang terkenal antara lain Pakaian Adat Cakalele, Pakaian Adat Sasi, Pakaian Adat Suku Manusela, Pakaian Adat Tifa, Pakaian Adat Maluku Tengah, Pakaian Adat Tari Cakalele, Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong, Pakaian Adat Maluku Utara, Pakaian Adat Tari Lenso, dan Pakaian Adat Suku Nusalaut.

4. Apa makna dari Pakaian Adat Cakalele?

Pakaian Adat Cakalele melambangkan keberanian dan ketangguhan. Pakaian ini sering digunakan dalam tarian perang tradisional yang berasal dari kepulauan Ternate dan Tidore.

5. Bagaimana Pakaian Adat Maluku mempengaruhi pariwisata?

Pakaian Adat Maluku menjadi daya tarik bagi wisatawan yang tertarik untuk mengetahui budaya dan sejarah Maluku. Wisatawan dapat menyaksikan pertunjukan tari dan mengenal lebih dalam tentang tradisi masyarakat Maluku melalui pakaian adat yang dikenakan.


Pakaian Adat Maluku adalah simbol budaya yang kaya dan beragam. Setiap pakaian adat mewakili sejarah, keyakinan, dan tradisi masyarakat Maluku. Dari Pakaian Adat Cakalele yang megah hingga Pakaian Adat Tari Gambyong yang elegan, pakaian adat ini memainkan peran penting dalam mempertahankan dan merayakan identitas budaya Maluku.

Pakaian Adat Maluku merupakan cerminan kebanggaan masyarakat Maluku akan warisan budayanya. Melalui pakaian adat ini, mereka mengekspresikan komitmen mereka dalam mempertahankan tradisi untuk generasi mendatang. Pakaian adat ini juga menjadi pengingat visual akan identitas budaya yang unik dan pentingnya pelestarian budaya.



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