Rumah Adat 34 Provinsi di Indonesia dan Nama Daerah Asalnya


7. Bengkulu – Rumah Panggung

Rumah Panggung is also the traditional house of Bengkulu province, located in western Sumatra. It is similar to Rumah Panggung in Jambi, with a stilted structure and a steep roof. The house is made of wood and has a spacious interior. Rumah Panggung is designed to withstand the frequent floods in the region.

8. Lampung – Rumah Adat Lampung

Rumah Adat Lampung is the traditional house of Lampung province, located in southern Sumatra. It is a stilted house with a thatched roof. The house is made of wood and bamboo. Rumah Adat Lampung reflects the maritime culture of the region.

9. Kepulauan Bangka Belitung – Rumah Panggung

Rumah Panggung is also the traditional house of the Bangka Belitung Islands province, located off the coast of Sumatra. Similar to Rumah Panggung in Jambi and Bengkulu, it is a stilted house with a steep roof. The house is made of wood and has a spacious interior.



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