Rumah Adat 34 Provinsi di Indonesia dan Nama Daerah Asalnya


25. Sulawesi Utara – Rumah Adat Minahasa

Rumah Adat Minahasa is the traditional house of North Sulawesi province. It is a stilted house with a steep roof. The house is made of wood and bamboo. Rumah Adat Minahasa represents the unique culture of the Minahasa people.

26. Sulawesi Tengah – Rumah Adat Toraja

Rumah Adat Toraja is the traditional house of Central Sulawesi province. It is a stilted house with a boat-shaped roof. The house is made of wood and bamboo. Rumah Adat Toraja represents the rich cultural heritage of the Toraja people.

27. Sulawesi Selatan – Rumah Adat Bugis-Makassar

Rumah Adat Bugis-Makassar is the traditional house of South Sulawesi province. It is a stilted house with a steep roof. The house is made of wood and has intricate carvings on its walls. Rumah Adat Bugis-Makassar represents the maritime culture of the Bugis and Makassar people.



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