5+ Rumah Adat Kalimantan Timur : Nama, Gambar dan Penjelasan



Rumah adat in Kalimantan Timur represents the rich cultural heritage of the province’s indigenous tribes. Each traditional house has its unique architectural style and design, reflecting the local culture and traditions. From Rumah Lamin of the Dayak Kenyah tribe to Rumah Bubungan Tinggi of the Kutai Malay people, these traditional houses are not only a testament to the past but also a symbol of the resilience and pride of the local communities.

By preserving and promoting these traditional houses, Kalimantan Timur keeps its cultural identity alive and attracts tourists who want to experience the uniqueness of the local culture firsthand. These traditional houses serve as a window into the rich history, craftsmanship, and spiritual beliefs of the indigenous tribes in East Kalimantan.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are these traditional houses still inhabited?

Yes, some traditional houses in Kalimantan Timur are still inhabited by the local communities. These houses are not only cultural symbols but also functional living spaces for the indigenous tribes.



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